Caregiving is NOT a fashion show. Aim for professional, easy-to-move in and functional clothes. 

Here are the six steps to picking an outfit:

  1. Make sure that your clothing is easy to wash.
  2. Don’t wear revealing or tight clothing.
  3. Make sure that your clothes don’t restrict your movement.
  4. Avoid hanging/grabbable jewelry.
  5. Wear comfortable shoes.
  6. Aim for a clean and casual look.

AVOID the following for clothing tops:

  • No Low-cut tops that display cleavage
  • No Off-shoulder tops or tube tops
  • No Cropped mini tops
  • No Graphic tees that feature profanity, politics, drugs/alcohol, violence, sexual or otherwise questionable content (Ex. Playboy, Hooters, etc.)
  • No Tops with a lot of lace or elements that small children could grab and rip
  • No Tops that would restrict movement, such as tight button-ups

A lot of the same rules apply for clothing bottoms. Here’s what you should avoid:

  • No Tight skirts and dresses
  • No Tight pants
  • No Short shorts
  • No Pajama pants (please no)
  • No Baggy/ Holed/Ripped Sweatpants